This time-travel novel features six "M" words.
("mundane" & "monotonous" not included)
Warning: this tale will put your emotions into motion.
This time-travel novel features six "M" words.
("mundane" & "monotonous" not included)
Warning: this tale will put your emotions into motion.
featuring the irrepressible "Jurassic Jim" Fleetwood
(Jim is so out-of-it, he's right back in again)
(Jim is so out-of-it, he's right back in again)
Mystery & Melancholy
Mirth & Music
Mayhem & the Missing
The Past. On sale for 99 pennies. April 8 - 14.
Give yourself a present with Past is Present. For book description, click on the gramophone for Amazon link.
PS: If you can hear the soul-shakeup song the gramophone is playing, you are a wonderfully imaginative reader. Toss your ticket and suitcase into the air--welcome aboard. Buckle your seat belt. First stop: 1968. Sedatives advised.