The Museum of Sudden Disappearances

MUSEUM available as an ebook at Amazon Or, for temporal travelers, PAST IS PRESENT at Amazon.

Monday, April 6, 2015

put your emotions into motion


This time-travel novel features six "M" words.
("mundane" & "monotonous" not included)

Warning: this tale will put your emotions into motion.

featuring the irrepressible "Jurassic Jim" Fleetwood
(Jim is so out-of-it, he's right back in again)

Mystery & Melancholy

Mirth & Music 

Mayhem & the Missing

The Past. On sale for 99 pennies. April 8 - 14.

Give yourself a present with Past is Present. For book description, click on the gramophone for Amazon link. 

PS: If you can hear the soul-shakeup song the gramophone is playing, you are a wonderfully imaginative reader. Toss your ticket and suitcase into the air--welcome aboard. Buckle your seat belt. First stop: 1968. Sedatives advised.