"My name is Fyodor. I approve of this message."
Imagine Fyodor Dostoevsky cranking out a story for Halloween. Flash fiction, less than 1000 words. Imagine the story as a mini-Crime and Punishment with gallows humor. Maybe it would look something like this little number below. This puny story also has edgy music and deranged sound effects, thanks to those wonderfully unstable folks in New Zealand at Booktrack.
Click on the black-and-orange graveyard, which will transport you to...oh, well, you'll see. And, remember, you can read this story faster than you can spell F-y-o-d-o-r-D-o-s-t-o-e-v-s-k-y.
Two world-weary paramedics are included in this tale. Years ago, I knew two hilarious paramedics who scoured the midnight streets of downtown Detroit. Stan, Bernie...wherever you boys are...I salute you! If I must die in the back of a speeding ambulance, siren wailing, I hope it's yours. I would truly die laughing.